Hipsters Delight: Finally, a Place to Hang Your Porkpie That's as Trendy as You Are

The Gargoyle hat rack from The Wild World on Etsy

The Gargoyle hat rack from The Wild World on Etsy

Hipsters, scenesters, and other cool people, we have top-shelf news for you. If you're that guy who collects bowlers, porkpies, fedoras, and panama hats, you don't have to worry about damaging them any more by leaving them to sit atop some shelf that will flatten out their brims. 

While of course it goes without saying that there are a million and one types of hat racks that you could use to hang your trendy head adornment, we all know what's going on: you cannot simply hang hats as cool as these on some plastic hat rack — it does awful things to your home decor and makes your gorgeous hat collection look like children of a lesser god.

where to hang Fedoras and Bowlers.jpeg

We get it — you want something to hang your hats on that is every bit as classy, grass-rootsy, hipster, and elegant as the beard you've been growing since 2014. To this end, we invite you to check out wall-hanging hat racks like the one featured in this blog, which you can find on Etsy at The Wild World.

Here we have a wonderfully informative infographic on what these hats look like and what they are called — the last thing we need is to find out you meant to get a bowler and wound up with a Panama hat — travesty indeed.

But all jokes aside, a quality hat is not a cheap ticket item, and as such deserves a quality place to rest when not resting on your noggin. Of course we LOVE the gargoyle inspired wall mountable hat rack we found at the Wild World on Etsy. But we have to be honest — there are tons of different styles out there featuring construction from steel to wood and even antlers and copper pipe fittings.

There was literally too much good stuff out there for us to post here, so if the gargoyle stylings of The Wild World don't make your personal interior decor senses tingle, we highly recommend the use of Google, Etsy, and even Amazon, what with their new "Handmade at Amazon" offerings.

We love the idea of a wall-hung hat rack for your selection of hip head gear because let's face it, there are so many things that traditional hat and coat stands just don't offer, chic though some of them may be.

To begin, they take up a great deal more room, and if you're living in tight quarters, it can be hard to justify the space just for your hats... especially to your spouse, partner, or roommate who may not be as inclined to the love of hats.

When mounting your hat rack to the wall, use the YOUHANGIT wall hanging system, and make sure you use the YOULEVEL hands-free level along with (for the gargoyle rack from The Wild World and others like it) the bands to secure the level. You'll adhere one YOUHANGIT device to the back of the hat rack over the hardware (this will most likely be a keyhole backing or something similar).

Next, you will want to attach your YOULEVEL to the hat rack. Once the handsfree level is secured to the hat rack, make sure the bubble in the blue liquid of the viewing window is in the middle before squishing the hat rack against the wall to make your perfect mark for hanging.

What's great about these hat racks is that you can collect them in almost the same way you collect hats — each individual different wall-hanging hat rack can be home to each individual hat in your collection. Consider it a wall collage of hipster sweetness that will most likely outlast the beard thing. Not that we're secretly hoping for that. Enjoy your hats and hat racks ya crazy kids!