How to Hang Pictures in a Hallway

—make it last forever—

—make it last forever—

In some homes, hallways are bright, wide, and inviting, and make a great place to hang photos. Some people love to use the hallway as a sort of chronological series of the family upbringing—at the beginning of the hallway is the classic wedding day photo, followed by the pictures of the kids as babies, the family portrait, the kids graduating high school, the kids getting married, and of course, the grandchildren.

The chronologically ordered hallway photo gallery is sentimental and beautiful and as heartwarming to guests as it is to you each night you pass it on your way to bed. And as touching as it is, getting each of those photos up may seem simple at first, but as time goes by and Junior has his first high school yearbook photo, you may find yourself having to arrange and rearrange to make room for more and more pictures. How do you hang pictures without leaving marks all over the wall—how can you avoid this picture-hanging conundrum?

It’s actually quite simple, and thanks for asking. As Julie Andrews explains in The Sound of Music, the beginning is a very good place to start. So the wedding photo or first photo starts at the beginning of the hallway. When your first child is born or some other milestone deserves a spot on the hallway wall, instead of adding it right next to the first photo put it in the middle of the hallway. The third milestone gets added to the end of the hallway. As time progresses and you begin to hang photos correctly the first time rather than doing a half-baked job, you move milestone photo number two closer to the first photo, and use the old hook in the middle of the hallway to add the newest point of pride.

As you continue in this sequence, you will find that by and large, you will be able to use the same hooks or nails that were in place for the old photos to hang the new ones. A huge key to creating success for this process is to purchase frames ahead of time that all have the same kind of hanger on the back. Whether you choose wires, sawtooth hangers or keyholes, if all the frames have matching hanger types, the hallway family album will be that much easier to edit as the years go by.

If you’re the kind of person who has been putting this project off for years and you already have all the photos in frames ready to line down the hallway, get yourself a YOUHANGIT Gallery kit and start that family lineup. What’s great about any of the YHI picture hanging kits is that you’ll be able to hang any kind of picture regardless of hanger type, because of the perfect mark the YOUHANGIT leaves behind. For larger photos or those with wire hangers, use the YHI Sexy Metal Hooks to hang even the heaviest framed photos or art you like.

Family comes first, and now you have proof that this is your mantra anytime people walk through your home. Now you can tell Julie Andrews how to hold a cloud and pin it down: with YOUHANGIT lady!