How To Hang An Ironing Board On Wall: Because Who Doesn’t Want to Think About Laundry, Right?

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Ah, laundry. Everyone loves doing laundry. It’s almost like that potato chip company says, “You can’t have just one… load of laundry.” Well, that may be a slight edit on their original slogan, but it certainly seems to be true that there can never be just one load of laundry to do. In fact, it’s been scientifically proven that the moment the words, “I have washed every stitch of clothing in this house!” three new loads will magically appear.

If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll have tons of laundry that also requires ironing. If this is the case, you’ll need to get yourself a sweet ironing board, and naturally, this also means you will need a place to hang your ironing board. While some laundry rooms come equipped with an allotted space in a closet for an ironing board, many do not. While some people may opt for an over-the-door whack-a-doodle ironing board hanger thingy, these are often unwieldy, can cause accidents (because people don’t realize there is a huge, oblong, metal object on the other side of the door), and simply get in the way.

Now that we’ve discussed the world’s worst place to put an ironing board, let’s talk about the best place that makes the most sense: let’s talk about something we love as much as we love laundry: how to hang an ironing board on the wall! YAY!!

Domestic Imperfection gets it right!

Domestic Imperfection gets it right!

So, you have a couple of options, and all of them are pretty cool. The first option is the easiest: find a wall hanger for coats or purses, etc., with two hooks. Measure the width of the legs on your ironing board before you go shopping for your wall-hanging coat rack so you don’t wind up having to return it and shop for another one. Make sure you mount the wall hanger to the wall using anchors—ironing boards are heavy and need a lot of support. Well not emotional support, although if you iron a lot, you may need some—feel free to discuss the issues of the day with your ironing board, and if you’re ironing at night, feel free to use that metal shelf thingy on the end of the board as a wine glass holder.

The next way you could hang your ironing board on the wall is to go totally rogue on the system: get yourself a plank of wood from a pallet, from the woods, an old two-by-four—pretty much anything that’s long and wide enough to attach hooks to. Now of course, this is a more work intensive project, but compared to other DIY wall hanging projects, this is a cinch. You’re gonna take your newly repurposed piece of wood, secure hooks large enough to handle the legs of your ironing board, and then you’ll want to apply keyhole hardware on both ends of the board. Once you have accomplished this (which is way easier than that constant stream of laundry, by the way) apply a YOUHANGIT overtop each keyhole, place your hands free level on top of the board, position until level, squish to make your marks, then pull away. Now you’re ready to add your wall anchors and screws, and hang your awesome homemade ironing board hanger.

Either route you decide to go, if you’re the person in the house who does the laundry, let it be known that you rock. You deserve a new moniker. We’ve decided: you are “The Launderer.” So hot. Are you hot? Open a window. That high heat cycle is insane.